Without Love There is Nothing


Graciela was able to spend some quality time with her Canadian friend, Jordyn, while he was in town for the Innovations in Education conference. They decided to collaborate on this blog post by writing alternating lines, starting with Graciela’s “There is love in the air.” 

*Please take the time to learn more about Jordyn at https://jordynsrockyjourney.wordpress.com/about/home/

There is love in the air.
Just don’t be a thinker; be a feeler.
When we think, we stop feeling things as they are meant to be felt.
We get in the way of our heart being fulfilled by others and we almost surely dampen our joy.
Love is available to all of us, but some choose not to let it into their hearts.
Can you imagine living your life so closed to others?
When we close ourselves off we stop making the effort to really own our gifts we are supposed to share with others.
Being vulnerable is sometimes scary but we don’t get to always experience the joy if we don’t take the risk.
Risks must be the stepping stone to sure and lovely love that is beautiful.
No great reward ever is because a person believed they were unworthy.
Worthiness is self identified and must be the number one quality on your many lists.
You are worthy. Believe it. Now go be vulnerable with the one you want in your life because the payoff is magical.


2 thoughts on “Without Love There is Nothing”

  1. Graciela and Jordyn, that was absolutely beautiful!! I don’t know how you managed to do this. It is in perfect sink with each other. You never cease to amaze me!! Lots and lots of love to you both!! grandma Sue

  2. Wonderful Graciela and so very true. Well said and spoken from the heart. Very cute picture 🙂
    Aunt Kim

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